How can you lose some fat and gain energy?

Have you ever had the energy blues?  Just no energy at all.  And many people want to lose some fat.  How can you up your energy levels and lose fat too?  I had a student in my class that worked full time and then went to class at night.  She noted she was often tired by the end of the day and often had little energy.  Then, she started applying what she learned in the nutrition class I teach like eating breakfast every day, eating at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day.  After a few weeks she explained that she had much more energy and was quite surprised at how much better she felt by just eating better.

There is a group called Insider Nutrition Clinic and you can write to a dietitian and ask for advice.  A reader, a 29-year-old woman, wrote in and asked, “I want to lose fat and gain energy”.  The woman had 3 goals:  gain some energy, lose some fat and also build some muscle.  This reader has a desk job but does try to exercise 3 times a week for 30 -60 minutes each time.

What recommendations did a dietitian provide?

1.  Don’t skip breakfast:  I agree with those that say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  (See Some easy ways to each healthier .)  Your body has been fasting for over 8 hours and you need some food to “break the fast”.  The Insider dietitian notes that breakfast is an energy boost for your body and it doesn’t need to be fancy.  A quick and easy breakfast is fine.  Some suggestions:
  • A piece of fruit – As I noted previously, Injohnnyskitchen recommends taking a piece of fruit with you when you leave the house.
  • A breakfast bar
  • Peanut butter or a nut butter on a piece of whole wheat bread
  • Smoothie
  • Make an oatmeal pot to take with you 
2.  Balance your meals:  So many people have no idea anymore what a “balanced meal” even means.  Growing up we had the Basic Four – eat something from each of the 4 four groups at every meal.  So easy.  Now there is MyPlate which is fine but many people have never heard of it and even if they have, they don’t plan their meals around it.  Balanced means you have something from each of the 5 food groups at your meal. 

a.       Include protein – protein foods help you fill fuller longer.  Choose lean protein, baked not fried protein foods. 

b.       Add some veggies to lunch and dinner:  Are you getting at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day?  I try to have some baby carrots and a fruit at lunch every day.  When packing your lunch, pack some vegetables to take with you.  Buying lunch?  Then pack some baby carrots or other cut up vegetable to eat as a snack.

What does the Insider dietitian recommend for balanced meals?  “As a general guide, try and make sure that half of the plate is vegetables or salad, a quarter starchy carbohydrate (opting for whole meal varieties, if possible, like brown rice or wholemeal [whole grain] pasta), and a quarter good protein sources like eggs, lean meat, or meat substitutes, lentils, black-eyed beans, mixed nuts, and seeds.” 

3.  Plan your meals:  Working full time can lead to many unplanned, rushed meals.  Take some time once a week to plan out the dinners for the week, plan what you will be bringing in your lunch each day.  Plan for some healthy snack foods to have on hand.  

4.  Snacks – who doesn’t love snacks?  Have some healthy options to choose from such as fresh fruit, nuts, whole grain crackers, whole grain chips.  Your kids will also benefit if you have healthy snack options.  (See Healthy After-School Snacks for Kids .) 

As for fat loss, it wasn’t counting calories.  The dietitian recommended balanced meals and varying one’s diet.  Portion sizes also need to be considered.  The portion sizes of so many foods are so much larger than they were even a few years ago.  A serving of meat is the size of the palm of your hand.  Too many Americans are “super-sizing” it when they should be “down-sizing” it.  Try some of the above suggestions this week and see if you give your energy a boost.

So easy to pack a protein snack or lunch box. 

Sources:  Insider Nutrition Clinic , Some easy ways to each healthier , Injohnnyskitchen , balanced meals , Healthy After-School Snacks for Kids   Image Sources:  Breakfast , after school snacks , protein snack box


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