Sunday, December 18, 2022

What are the best foods for healthier hair?

You may have heard the saying, “You are what you eat”.  Are there foods that promote healthier hair?  What do nutritionists and researchers say?

Are there foods, nutrients that promote hair growth?

Like any part of your body, your hair needs nutrients.  What foods provide some of these nutrients?  Not surprisingly, eating for good health can also mean eating for healthier hair.  As the registered dietitian, Samantha Cassetty, states, “Eating for optimal health and healthy hair go hand-in-hand”.  Some nutrients important for hair are some vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds in food. 

Cassetty and others note these nutrients are especially important for a healthy hair and for hair growth:

  • Vitamins A and C
  • Biotin
  • Iron
  • Omega 3 fatty acids

The Cleveland Clinic has an excellent article on The Best Vitamins and Supplements for Hair Growth.  The article highlights iron, biotin, vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids. 

Vitamin A- Why “A”?  Because fast growing tissues like your hair need vitamin A for cells to grow.  So easy to add some vitamin A to your day.  Look for dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables like spinach, kale, oranges, cantaloupe, carrots, and sweet potatoes.  Real cow’s milk and eggs are also good sources.  I like to eat a few baby carrots at lunch everyday to add in some vitamin A.  Note:  bananas do not count for vitamin A as they provide only a little vitamin A.  My students often listed bananas as a good source of vitamin A.  But you do not eat the peel (yellow), you eat the white banana.  Bananas are great for many nutrients but not so much for vitamin A.

Vitamin C – readers who are older remember “juice glasses”.  Every house had them and almost everyone drank some juice every morning.  I still do.  I want to be sure to get my vitamin C and I enjoy a small glass of real orange juice or grapefruit juice every morning.  But be sure it is “real” juice and not a juice drink or fruit punch.  (See:  Are you drinking real juice or fake juice? )  How are you getting your vitamin C every day?  Why every day?  Because your body does not store vitamin C so getting some vitamin C in your diet regularly is important.  For ideas on how you can be sure you are getting your “C”, read Are you getting your daily vitamin C?  Here are some suggestions:

  •  Citrus – oranges, grapefruit, tangerines – all are great ways to add vitamin C to your day
  • Peppers – red bell and green peppers are loaded with C.
  • Broccoli
  • Strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew
  • Baked potato, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cooked cabbage, cooked spinach

I enjoy many of the above vitamin C sources but I still have that daily glass of juice.  You do not have to worry about getting too much vitamin C from food so enjoy vitamin C rich foods every day.

BiotinWebMD notes, “Increasing your intake of biotin may help make your hair stronger and more resistant to falling out”.  Biotin is a B vitamin that is found in many foods.  Since your body does not store biotin for long, it is important to replenish it with the foods you eat.  Foods rich in biotin include:  organ meats, meat, eggs, fish, seeds, nuts, and some vegetables such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli.  Cow’s milk, cheese and yogurt made from cow’s milk “all contain biotin in varying amounts”.  According to the National Institutes of Health, these foods “will help fortify your hair follicle by boosting your keratin.”  So, give your hair a boost and enjoy some foods rich in biotin.

Iron – Iron is in your red blood cells and iron helps carry oxygen to every cell in your body.  It also is an important mineral for hair growth.  Cleveland Clinic notes, “when it comes to our hair, iron plays a vital role”.  A dermatologist, Melissa Piliang, MD states, “Iron is really important for hair growth and hair health.  When we see patients who are experiencing hair loss, we often perform lab tests to screen for iron deficiency.  It is not uncommon for us to find iron to be low in women”.  Meat, fish and poultry are great sources of iron.  Some vegetables provide iron such as beans, lentils, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, and peas.   Some breakfast cereals are fortified with iron.  Some people think milk supplies iron.  But read the label.  Milk is great for calcium, vitamin D, potassium but not for iron.

Omega-3 fatty acids - People may think “fat is bad” but there are fats that are good for you.  Cleveland Clinic says omega 3 fatty acids are “critical to cell health and is thought to make your scalp and hair healthier”.  What are some ways to add omega-3 fats to your day?

  • Fish and other seafood such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines
  • Nuts and seeds such as walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds
  • Oils like flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybean oil
  • Fortified foods (certain brands of eggs, yogurt, juices, and milk)

Want healthier hair?  Then add some of the healthy foods noted above to your day.  As I noted above, I start every day with a small glass of real 100% juice. Not fake juice like those fruit drinks or a fruit punch, but real juice that supplies me with all the vitamin C I need each day.  Real juice also supplies many antioxidants that are also good for your health.  If you prefer an orange or some other food high in C, that is great.  Just try to eat a good source of C every day.    I eat some baby carrots for lunch (thanks to my sister’s recommendation) every day.  Hello vitamin A.  Years ago Dr. Oz recommended a handful of nuts a day for good health.  I started this healthy habit years ago and did not even think about how this habit was also contributing to healthier hair.  To get my probiotics, I try to eat some cow’s milk yogurt every day.  This is another way I get some biotin in my day.  I don’t eat the plant-based yogurts or drink the plant-based milks.  I am not sure if these even provide any biotin.  I prefer real food to fake food and thus I drink real cow’s milk and eat yogurt made from cow’s milk.  Then I know I am getting all the nutrients naturally present in dairy foods and not just the nutrients a plant-based milk company decides to add to their product.  Which of the above nutrients and foods can you add to your day?


Sources:  dietitian , others , The Best Vitamins and Supplements for Hair Growth , Are you drinking real juice or fake juice? , Are you getting your daily vitamin C? , WebMD , Foods , milk , notes , says , omega-3 fats   Image Sources:   healthy hair , Vitamin C , Vitamin A

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Brown rice or white rice – which is better for health?

My daughter called me to ask me which is healthier, white rice or brown rice?  She had ordered some Chinese food and chose the brown rice.  Did she make the healthier choice?  Is brown rice healthier than white rice?

In the U.S. we have two choices for rice, either white rice or brown rice.  Growing up we never ate brown rice.  We always ate the Minute white rice from the box. 

Both white and brown rice come from the same grain but white rice is much more processed.  There are 3 parts to grains – the bran, the germ and the endosperm.   Whole grains like brown rice contain all 3 parts of the grain.  Processed grains like white rice, have the bran and germ removed, leaving only the white endosperm part of the grain. 

Brown Rice is more nutritious than white rice

Because brown rice has all parts of the grain, brown rice provides more fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and manganese.  White rice is polished to remove the bran and germ which means a lot of nutrients and fiber are also removed including the “naturally occurring B vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber”.  Only some nutrients are added back to white rice.  Some B vitamins and iron.  If you see the term “enriched” in the ingredients, you know many nutrients were removed and only some added back.  As noted in Rice, “only a fraction of the original amount of these nutrients is added back”.    Thus, “brown rice is healthier than white rice because it is more nutritious.”

Nutrients in 1 cup of cooked rice

Calories and nutrients

White rice

Brown Rice


242 calories

248 calories


4.43 grams

5.54 grams


0.39 grams fat

1.96 grams fat


53.2 grams

51.7 grams

Fiber (grams)



Iron (mg)



Vitamin B-1(thiamine) (mg)



Vitamin B-6 (mg)



Niacin (mg)



Folate (mcg)



Phosphorus (mg)



Potassium (mg)



Magnesium (mg)



Zinc (mg)



Selenium (mcg)



Copper (mg)



Manganese (mg)



What about wild rice?

Wild rice is different as it is from “a grassy aquatic plant”.  But oh, so healthy.  Wild rice provides fiber, minerals and even some more protein than brown rice.  If you see a package of rice that has some wild rice, buy it.  The wild rice adds flavor and more nutrients. 

What about gluten?

Rice is gluten free so both white and brown rice are gluten free.

Which rice is better?

It depends.   Brown rice is a healthier choice for most people.  However, someone with kidney disease may want to notice brown rice has more potassium and they may want to choose white rice.  White rice has less fiber which may be a better choice for those with diarrhea, diverticulitis or inflammatory bowel disease. 

Most Americans have diets that are too low in fiber and brown rice would be a way to add fiber to one’s diet.  The American Heart Association recommends whole grains like brown rice to reduce the risk of:

What about weight?

Many people avoid “carbs” as they think carbs are fattening. The American Heart Association recommends eating whole grains like brown rice if you are trying to lose weight.  Why?  Because the fiber in brown rice “can help you feel full so you’ll be satisfied with fewer calories”. 

Season brown rice

Some people ask how they can season brown rice to add more flavor.  Some ideas from the Unsophisticook are: 

  • Add some chopped fresh herbs or a few teaspoons of a favorite spice blend as the rice cooks
  • Squeeze some lemon or lime over the top of the rice
  • Add some soy sauce or salsa before serving
  • Add some fresh ground black pepper

Our family enjoys both white rice and brown rice.  We like white rice for dishes like shrimp creole.  We enjoy brown rice as a side for many entrees.  You can buy brown rice in a package that takes only 90 seconds to cook.  Heat in the microwave and serve.  I also cook brown rice on the stove and add some cut up cooking apples towards the end of the cooking time.  Makes a great side dish. 

Sources:  more nutritious , polished , Thus ,  Rice , Nutrients,  rice , Wild rice , American Heart Association , How to lower your bad cholesterol , whole grains , Unsophisticook   Images Sources:  Brown rice , Wild rice medley  , White rice

Sunday, December 4, 2022

What are the health benefits of green tea?

As the weather turns colder a cup of hot tea can be welcoming after a walk in the cold or as a soothing hot drink on a cold winter’s day.  Are there any health benefits to drinking green tea?  There are many.  So often people say “eat healthy” and then we think of all the foods we need to eliminate from our day.  But there are many foods and drinks you can add to your day that add health benefits.  And adding in some green tea is one of those things. 

What are some health benefits of green tea?

Green tea can lower your bad cholesterol.  In my blog, How to lower your bad cholesterol , I talked about how the “bad” cholesterol can build up in your arteries and lead to heart attacks or stroke.  Cutting back on foods with saturated fat is one way to lower your bad cholesterol.  But did you know that drinking some green tea can help lower your bad cholesterol?   

In a study published in the Nutrition Journal, of over 3000 subjects, they found drinking green tea lowered both total cholesterol and the “bad” LDL cholesterol.  This study did note, however, that people with kidney stones due to oxalates may not want to indulge in green tea. 

Green tea and heart health

In a study in Japan of 40,000 adults, that researchers followed for over 11 years, they found that people who drink green tea every day had a lower risk of death from heart disease.  But one needed to drink quite a bit of green tea to achieve this benefit with the minimum being 5 cups a day. 

Green tea and strokes

In another Japanese study, that followed over 82,000 participants for over 13 years, drinking green tea lowered one’s risk of a stroke.  But the most benefit was seen in those who drank more than 4 cups a day.  Green tea has been shown to help lower blood pressure which reduces the risk of a stroke and reduces heart disease risk. 

Does green tea reduce the risk of cancer?

The benefits for green tea reducing cancer risk are mixed. 

Green tea and healthy skin

Green tea can help make your skin “bright and healthy looking”.  How?  Green tea can reduce inflammation, redness and may help fight skin damage from the sun and may prevent sagging skin.  Medical News Today notes that antioxidants such as the antioxidants found in green tea, “may help protect and rejuvenate the skin, for example by promoting collagen production”. 

Why is green tea good for your health?

One reason is the healthy antioxidants in green tea.  As noted in previous blog posts, fruits and vegetables are loaded with healthy phytochemicals which act as antioxidants that help our bodies fight cancer and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  What makes green tea so special?  Medical News Today notes that green tea is a tea that is the least processed and thus contains “the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols”.   

How much green tea is safe?

As noted above people who drank 4-5 cups of green tea a day had lower risks of heart disease and strokes.  But how much is too much?  WebMD notes, “Green tea, when drunk at a moderate rate of 8 cups per day or less, is considered safe for most adults”.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I would ever exceed 8 cups a day. One or two cups a day is about all I drink but I may need to increase this to get better health benefits.  Pregnant women should limit green tea consumption to no more than one or two cups a day because of the caffeine in green tea.  There is a decaffeinated green tea for those concerned about caffeine. 

This winter, enjoy a cup or two of green tea.  So many health benefits and a cup of hot tea on a cold day is a refreshing treat.

Sources:  How to lower your bad cholesterol , Nutrition Journal , study , Japanese study , lower blood pressure , Does green tea reduce the risk of cancer?  , make your skin , blog posts , Medical News Today ,  antioxidants , WebMD , Pregnant women  Images: green tea , Decaffeinated green tea  , health benefits