Are there superfoods you should be buying at the grocery store?

Everyone is complaining about high grocery prices.  And groceries have gotten more expensive.  What are some superfoods that you might want to add to your grocery list? 

     1.  Choose Extra Virgin Olive Oil over Coconut oil

For years my students would say coconut oil was the healthier oil.  I always taught them that was not the case.  Still many people swear by coconut oil, even putting it in their morning coffee.  And many cook with coconut oil thinking this is a healthy thing to do.  What is so bad about coconut oil?  The high saturated fat content, “a whopping 12 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon.”  What’s the problem with saturated fat?  According to Medline Plus, ‘too much saturated fat can cause cholesterol build up in your arteries (blood vessels).  Saturated fats raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol.  High LDL cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and stroke.”   EVOO is a better choice as it has only 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon. (See:  Discover the health benefits of olive oil).

2.   Which is healthier, Quinoa or Brown Rice?

Both are whole grain and healthy choices and both are a healthier choice than white rice.  Years ago, I said most plant-based foods are not complete proteins.  Then a student pointed out that quinoa is a compete protein.  In fact, quinoa provides twice the protein as brown rice.  And both quinoa and brown rice are gluten free.  Quinoa also provides a little more fiber than brown rice which is good for those concerned about blood-sugar as Fiber helps slow the absorption of sugar.  This can improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.  We enjoy both quinoa and brown rice as both are whole grain.  Costco sells packages of Seeds of Change, Organic Quinoa & Brown Rice.  Cooks up in 90 seconds, an easy way to add this as a side dish to a meal. 

3.  Should you choose Salmon over tuna?

Eating fish is healthy as fish provides the healthy omega-3 fats that are good for your heart.  Omega-3 fats also help prevent cognitive decline in older people.  The problem with tuna is that tuna can contain mercury, which can be harmful to your health if consumed in high amounts.  We enjoy tuna fish sandwiches, but we choose canned light tuna packed in water which is low in mercury.  (For more information on mercury in tuna, see the Consumer Reports article on mercury in tuna.)

Salmon is a very healthy choice as it not only provides omega-3 fats, but salmon is low in mercury content.  My husband loves salmon so we eat it a few times a month. 

4.  Choose a Veggie burger over the Impossible Burger

I am not a vegetarian, but for those who are, a veggie burger is a healthier choice.  Why?  Because the Impossible Burger is not only highly processed, it is high in sodium and has more saturated fat than a veggie burger.  Veggie burgers are usually made from lentils, beans, and other veggies.  I prefer real meat and choose real hamburger meat for our burgers.

5.  Should you choose real cow’s milk over almond, oat, or soy milk?

For many years now, even some nutritionists were pushing the plant-based milks. Not me, as I always knew real cow’s milk was the healthier choice.  Now even AARP is recommending cow’s milk.  Why?  Because cow’s milk provides much more protein than plant-based milks and often more calcium.  One cup of cow’s milk (any fat content) provides 8-10 grams of high-quality protein.  Soy is one plant-based milk that does provide protein at 7-8 grams per cup.  Compare this to one cup of Silk Almond Milk that provides only 1 gram of protein per cup.   Older adults, especially, need to be concerned about getting enough protein as older adults may need more protein than younger adults to maintain health and function.  Besides drinking cow’s milk, a great way to add protein is adding some yogurt to one’s day.  Even those who are lactose intolerant can usually tolerate some yogurt and add some healthy probiotics to their day.  Those who are lactose intolerant can enjoy lactose free milk or Fa!rlife milk.  My daughter is lactose intolerant and enjoys some yogurt at lunch and drinks a glass of Fa!rlife milk at night.  Fa!rlife milk is made from cow’s milk, is lactose free and provides even more protein at 13 grams per cup. 

Conclusion:  So many ways to incorporate healthy foods into one’s diet.  I am so glad that many restaurants are offering healthier alternatives.  We just ate at a restaurant that served quinoa mixed with many vegetables as a side to a grilled pork chop.  Very delicious.  It is nice that restaurants are adding healthier sides to their menus.  What healthier foods can you add to your grocery cart this week?


Sources:  superfoods , Medline Plus , Discover the health benefits of olive oil , Fiber , Seeds of Change, Organic Quinoa & Brown Rice , mercury , article , milk , Almond Milk , adults , Fa!rlife milk  Image Sources:  Seeds of Change , Fa!rlife milk  , Tuna



  1. We used to eat Seeds of Change brown rice and quinoa until discovering a seed oil in the ingredient list.

    1. • Sunflower oil is low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated fats, including both polyunsaturated (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Both of these fats can help reduce cholesterol levels and thus lower one’s risk of heart disease.
      • Some people are concerned that sunflower oil contains omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are actually essential to health but too much may lead to an imbalance with omega-3 fatty acids which can potentially cause inflammation.
      • Seeds of Change does contain some sunflower oil, but it is very low in fat, only 4.5 grams. This would not be “too much”.
      • In moderation and when used appropriately, sunflower oil can be a healthy addition to your diet. One can always balance it with other healthy oils and fats such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


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