What are the best diets for diabetes?

So many Americans have diabetes.  The National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020, which is published by the Centers for Disease Control, provides information on the prevalence and incidence of diabetes and prediabetes, and the risk factors for this disease and complications and costs.  Here are some facts from this report.

Diabetes Facts:

  • 34.2 million Americans have diabetes. This equates to 10.5% of the U.S. population
  • Diagnosed – 26.9 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes
  • Undiagnosed – 7.3 million have diabetes but are not yet diagnosed. 

Prediabetes Facts:

  • 88 million Americans aged 18 and older have prediabetes.  This is 34.5% of the U.S. population.
  • Of those who are 65 and older:  24.2 million have prediabetes.  
What is the best diet for those with diabetes?

As noted in the past few weeks’ blog posts, the U.S. News & World Report ranks diets best for overall health, best weight-loss diets but also the Best Diabetes Diets.  Two of the diets they recommend for people with diabetes are the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH diet.  In this blog post I will focus on the Mediterranean Diet.

Mediterranean Diet – this diet is also ranked as number one diet for overall good health.  As noted in my blog on Best Diets for Health 2021, the Mediterranean Diet is modeled after foods people eat in Greece and other countries around the Mediterranean Sea.  This diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, nuts and using Olive oil, especially Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  The Mayo Clinic notes there is no official “Mediterranean Diet” but it is a way of eating that emphasizes healthy foods and limits intake of other foods.

Foods to emphasize:

  • Fruits – especially fresh or frozen fruit.  An apple is healthier than applesauce. Some people think frozen fruit isn’t healthy, but it is.  So, if blueberries or strawberries or some other fruit isn’t available at a good price buy some frozen fruit.
  • Vegetables – fresh or frozen.  The American Diabetes Association recommends non-starchy vegetables fill half your plate.
  • Whole grains – are loaded with vitamins, minerals and healthy fiber.  The American Diabetes Association recommends choosing carbs that are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals – which includes whole grains.  Some people are quite confused about whole grains and even think “wheat bread” is whole grain.  Whole grains include:  barley, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, popcorn, and foods made from whole wheat like whole wheat bread (not wheat bread), whole wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers.  There are many whole grain cereals and as I have noted previously, all General Mills cereals are whole grain.  To be sure it is whole grain, look at the ingredient list for the word, “whole”.  Whole wheat, not ‘enriched wheat flour’.  Whole corn, whole rye would also be whole grains.
  • Nuts and seeds – enjoy a handful of nuts a day.  I enjoy a handful of peanuts at lunch and often add some ground up walnuts to my morning cereal.
  • Fish – they eat a lot of fish around the Mediterranean Sea.  Fatty fish like mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon are especially healthy as these provide the healthy omega-3 fatty acids.  I am not a big fish fan, but I don’t mind some salmon or a tuna fish sandwich.  If you like fish, aim for eating fish twice a week.
  • Healthy Fats – olive oil is the main oil on the Mediterranean diet.  What is so good about olive oil?  It has been shown to reduce total cholesterol and the bad cholesterol, LDL cholesterol.  But there are other healthy fats including Canola oil, Sunflower oil, Safflower and Corn Oil.  We usually have Olive oil (EVVO – extra virgin olive oil) in our pantry but also another oil like Safflower oil.
  • Dairy – enjoy dairy as it provides important nutrients like calcium, vitamin D and a high-quality protein.  But focus on real dairy, not fake dairy and focus on low-fat dairy products like low-fat milk, yogurt and low-fat cheese.  Many cheeses are made with 2% milk like Mozzarella cheese, and many grocery stores offer an assortment of reduced fat cheeses.
  • Spice it up – spices are good for you.  Full of healthy antioxidants.  I add cinnamon to my oatmeal and try to add spices in most foods we cook.  Another benefit of using spices is that you may use less salt in your cooking.

What foods to reduce:

  • Red meat – most Americans love their meat.  But switching it up to eating more chicken, some fish, leaner cuts of meat, can be healthy.  We eat red meat but not every day.  And we choose leaner cuts of meat.  Lean hamburger, enjoy some pork chops but cut off the fat rind before eating the pork chop. Cut back on processed meats like bologna, bacon, sausages, hot dogs.
  • Added Sugar – it is impossible to avoid added sugar in our foods as manufacturers add sugar to almost everything, even catsup.  Cutting back on sodas, sweet tea, fake juices like fruit punch and Sunny D are ways to easily cut back on added sugar in your diet.  

Want more information on eating well if you are a diabetic? 

Read more about the Mediterranean Diet at Nourish by WebMD.  The American Diabetes Association (diabetes.org) has a wealth of information on diabetes. 


Sources:  National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020 , Best Diabetes Diets , Best Diets for Health 2021 , American Diabetes Association, Whole grains , Mediterranean Diet , Nourish by WebMD , diabetes.org    Image sources: Diabetes , article ,  Mediterranean Diet 


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