Eggs- you can enjoy them again

Eggs, who doesn’t like eggs? Hard-boiled, egg salad sandwiches, scrambled, so many ways to enjoy eggs for breakfast and lunch. But for years, eggs have gotten a bad wrap. Many people avoid eggs or eat them sparingly because of the cholesterol scare. And for years, the American Heart Association recommended limiting our egg consumption. But newer research says we can enjoy eggs once again. What about eggs and cholesterol? New research has not found a link between egg consumption and heart disease, even among men at genetic risk for heart disease. It seems high blood cholesterol levels are more linked to the saturated fat in meats rather than the cholesterol in eggs. In one Finnish study, over 1,000 men were followed for 21 years. They found egg consumption and dietary cholesterol did not significantly increase risk of heart disease. But they didn’t over consume eggs either, about one egg a day. ...