Simple Changes for a Healthier You

Can eating healthier be simplified?  Many people think eating healthier is too hard, one has to give up too many of their favorite foods.  But this week, Whole Foods Market came up with Simple Changes for Life-Long Health.   What are some easy, simple changes you could make for a healthier you?
  1. Focus on nutrient-rich foods   Add fruits, vegetables, whole grains to your day.  Add a fruit to lunch and 2 vegetables to dinner.  Focus on color, the more colorful fruits and vegetables you add, the healthier your choices.  Choose whole grains at breakfast, a whole grain bagel, whole grain English muffin, whole grain cereal.
  2. Eat foods closer to nature - these are foods closer to the farm, an apple vs. apple juice or a soda.  100% real juice and not Sunny D or Hi-C.
  3. Focus on Whole grains – so many people eat highly processed white bread, white rice, processed crackers.  Add some whole grains to your day.  Look at the ingredients for whole wheat, whole corn, whole rye.  Choose brown rice, quinoa and whole grain crackers like Triscuits.
  4. Choose Olive Oil for a healthier oil and cut back on foods high in fat and oils like cut back on fried foods and choose steamed vegetables.  Or sauté some fresh vegetables in a smaller amount of Olive oil.
  5. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables, add some whole grains and lessen the serving size for the meats.  A serving size of meat is about the palm of your hand or the size of a deck of cards, about 3 ounces.

This week focus on these 5 easy changes for a healthier you.  For other ideas, visit 4 Ways to a Healthier You.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the good tips.. We always use olive oil because it is better for us than any other oil. But I think its better choosing best olive oil for health reasons. remember that olive oil is also rich in essential vitamins such as vitamins A, B-1, B-2, C, D, E, and K, as well as iron.


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