Boost your mood with food

Feeling down, anxious, under stress?  Many people turn to food to boost their mood but then choose junk food, foods high in sugar and fat.  Junk foods won’t really help improve your mood.  What are some foods that not only are mood boosters but also good for your health?

Good fats and your mood:

The Harvard Health Blog notes the healthy omega-3 fats actually travel to our brains and interact “with mood-related molecules in the brain.  These healthy fats are also anti-inflammatory which helps “relieve depression”.  And omega-3 fats may help stabilize any mood swings.  (See:  What are omega 3 fats and why are they good for you? )  

Some ways to add omega-3 fats to your day:

  • Fish:  A good source of omega-3 fats are fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring and sardines. Oils:  flaxseed oil and canola oil.
  • Seeds:  Flaxseeds, chia seeds
  • Nuts:  walnuts are high in omega-3 fats
  • Green, leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
  • Eggs:  we buy eggs that state “omega-3” on the label.  These provide 125 mg of omega-3 fats per egg.


 Start your day with breakfast (See:  Breakfast – good and bad habits) 

  • Who hasn’t heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Eating a balanced, healthy breakfast can help put you in a good mood for the day.  WebMD notes: “Regularly eating breakfast leads to improved mood, according to some researchers --- along with better memory, more energy throughout the day, and feelings of calmness.”
  • Include in your breakfast some whole grain carbs for fiber and nutrients, some lean protein, and some fat for staying power.  Real cow’s milk on whole grain cereal would provide a high quality protein and some complex carbs.  Put some butter on your toast and you have a good start to your day.  I also must have some fruit like a banana and some real 100% orange or grapefruit juice.

Boost serotonin which is the “feel good” chemical.  “Basically, the more serotonin circulating in your bloodstream, the better your mood.” 

What foods can help boost serotonin?

  • Foods high in the amino acid tryptophan help get more serotonin into the brain.  All meat, fish, poultry (MFP) provide this amino acid.  Many people know turkey has tryptophan and that is why we may feel more relaxed after our big turkey meal.  Eating some carbs along with these MFP proteins seems to help the tryptophan get into the brain. 

Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea

    Some studies have found that this tea promotes relaxation and helps people fall asleep. 

Dark chocolate

  • Many readers would be happy to know that dark chocolate seems to boost one’s mood, and may improve your memory and focus. Dark chocolate contains tryptophan and as noted above this amino acid helps more serotonin get into your brain.  A study in the Journal of Pharmacology found that the polyphenol compounds in dark chocolate have a positive affect on anxiety and seem to enhance calmness.
  • Focus on dark chocolate, not milk chocolate.  Look for chocolate that is 70% or more cocoa solids.   

What other foods may help boost your mood?

  • Fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha may help your gut and your mood. 
  • Bananas – one of my favorites.  Bananas are high in vitamin B6 which helps your body make some feel good neurotransmitters like serotonin.  A reader asked me why bananas didn’t give them a sugar high.  That’s because bananas have fiber which slows the absorption of the natural sugar, fructose, in bananas.
  • Oats like oatmeal, muesli and granola.  Oats are a good source of fiber which helps slow the digestion of food and thus helps promote more stable blood sugar levels.
  • More fruits and veggies, especially berries.  They aren’t sure why berries may help improve your mood but they think it is because berries are rich in those healthy antioxidants, especially the anthocyanins in purple-blue color berries like blueberries. 

Conclusion:  So, if you are feeling a bit blue, skip the high sugar, high fat junk food and opt for a healthier option to boost your mood.  These mood boosters will not only help you feel in a better mood but are also good for your overall health.  


 Sources:  Harvard Health Blog , stabilize , What are omega 3 fats and why are they good for you? , omega-3 fats , fish , vegetables, Breakfast – good and bad habits , WebMD , chemical , studies , dark chocolate , Journal of Pharmacology , dark chocolate , foods Image Sources:   Eggs  , Mood foods  , Mood boosting foods


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