Can a nutrient in meat and dairy help fight cancer?

Many people hear that meat, especially red meat is bad for you.  Others avoid dairy for many reasons.  But the latest research has found that meat and dairy may actually help your immune system fight cancer.  Who knew?  What have scientists found out about meat and dairy? What is it about the composition of meat and dairy that may have some good health benefits?

What is this newly discovered nutrient in meat and dairy that helps fight cancer?

Researchers at the University of Chicago studied a nutrient found in beef, lamb and dairy products that helps our immune system fight cancer.  What is this nutrient?  I had not heard of it and you probably haven’t either.  It is actually found in the fat in meat and dairy and is called trans-vaccenic acid or TVA.  Research on nutrients like TVA highlights the link between diet and human health demonstrating how compounds from food can influence our immune responses and overall well-being. 

Where is TVA found?

Certain animals have the ability to produce TVA including animals that graze such as beef cattle, sheep and cows.  Because cow’s graze, that is why TVA is found in milk and in butter.   Plant-based milks such as almond milk, oat milk, soy milk would not be sources of TVA.  Our bodies cannot produce TVA.  

How does TVA help fight cancer?

Researchers fed mice a diet high in TVA.  These mice had reduced cancer growth for 2 types of cancer, melanoma and colon cancer. 

Should you now fill up on burgers and milkshakes?

Not so fast.  The American Heart Association found that red meat and processed meat is still associated with a higher risk for heart disease.  Processed meat such as bacon is also high in salt.  Dairy is important in everyone’s diet and it is recommended you enjoy 3 servings a day.  Dairy means from a cow and not plant-based milks.  To cut back on calories but not nutrients one can enjoy 2%, 1% or nonfat milk.  Unclear though if nonfat milk would have any TVA as TVA is found in fat.  Butter has been given a bad reputation for years and many people have switched to margarine.  But many of our relatives have switched to using real butter as margarine has so many ingredients and butter is usually made of “sweet cream and salt”.  We like the butter made with canola oil.  Canola oil is heart healthy and the addition of this oil makes the butter easily spreadable.  Ingredients are “Sweet Cream, Canola Oil, Salt.”  No ingredients that one can’t pronounce or recognize.  

Conclusion:  This study on TVA provides new insights to our immune system and cancer.  It is interesting that it is red meat and dairy that provide this nutrient. The researchers mentioned milk and butter but what about cheese, yogurt and other dairy products?   I look forward to more studies on this promising finding.  Remember, there are other ways to boost your immune system with food.  See:  How to boost your immune system with food.    

Sources:  research , University of Chicago , Research , red meat and processed meat , butter , Ingredients, How to boost your immune system with food  Image Sources:  Butter with canola oil   , Organic dairy , Immunity


  1. Or, just skip the animal entirely and you eat the plants the animals are eating to get TVA benefits.

    1. As noted in this blog post, trans-vaccenic acid (TVA), a fatty acid found in beef, lamb, and dairy products. Dairy means "from a cow". Almond milk and other non-dairy milks would not provide TVA.


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