Can probiotics help prevent COVID?
COVID is in the news almost every day. A new variant is popping up, etc. The news recently was fascinating. Are there foods or supplements that not only can help prevent COVID but also reduce symptoms? Why hadn’t we heard this before? You may have seen the many headlines about Probiotics can Reduce COVID Symptoms and Delay Disease . Researchers at Duke University have come out with surprising findings about probiotics and COVID. What did the Duke University study find about COVID and probiotics? Before COVID, researchers already knew that probiotics were helpful in preventing respiratory infections. In March 2020, before many people had been vaccinated for COVID, Duke researchers studied unvaccinated individuals who had been exposed to COVID. They studied 182 people, with half getting the probiotic lactobacillus and the other half taking a placebo pill. Even though the research was cut short because study participants started to get vaccinated against COVID, t