Some impressive health benefits of apples
Who hasn’t heard the old wives’ tale, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Although not true, eating apples has some health benefits. Fall is apple season and how fun it is to visit an orchard to pick or to browse and choose some freshly picked apples. Growing up we did not hear much about the health benefits of apples. But more research has found apples not only provide some good nutrition but also fiber and those healthy antioxidants. What are some health benefits of apples? Cleveland Clinic has a great article on 7 Reasons Why Apples are Good for You . Blood sugar control – yes, apples do contain the natural sugar, fructose. But unlike sugary foods like donuts, eating an apple won’t spike your blood sugar. Why? Because the fiber in the apple slows down the absorption of fructose, and apples are lower in sugar than processed foods like donuts. In fact, a study of over 38,000 women found, ...