Can foods help you fight stress?

Have you ever heard someone say that when they are stressed, they like to eat? When you are stressed are their foods that might help calm you? Help fight that stress? If you research foods and stress, you will come across any number of headlines: 9 Foods and Beverages That May Promote Calm , What are some foods that east anxiety? , 13 foods that fight stress . So, what foods might you keep on hand or seek out when you want some calm in your life? Fruit – satisfy your sweet tooth with some fruit, especially berries . All those healthy antioxidants in berries can “help protect your cells from stress and may help ease feelings of depression.” Oranges are another fruit good for fighting stress. It is the vitamin C that helps fight anxiety. Studies have shown that diets rich in C “may help calm you and put you in a better frame of mind“. (See: Are you getting your daily vitamin C? )...