Enjoy a longer life by adding some “disease-fighting foods to your” day
How can what you eat help you fight off disease? What foods will help boost your immune system and keep you healthier? Many of my students know we should be “eating healthy foods” but when asked, many have a hard time describing what those “healthy foods” are. (My husband said to him a longevity diet would be chocolate and IPA beer. Not sure that would be the way to a longer life.) Can you name 5 foods that would help you fight diseases and lead to a longer life? Yahoo has an interesting article, Add These Disease-Fighting Foods to Your Diet to Live a Longer Life . Basically, what you are adding are foods that contain the healthy antioxidants that I have written about many times. (See: Antioxidants and good health .) Focus on fruits and vegetables: I tell my students to focus on at least 5 A Day – at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Why? Because eating fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of many diseases including heart disease , some cancers, diabet