What are probiotics and prebiotics and what do they do for your health?

Whenever one hears about bacteria, they think disease or illness.  But there are actually bacteria that are good for your health.  As WebMD notes, probiotics are live bacteria that are good for you, especially your digestive system.  This week in the nutrition class I teach, we are learning about probiotics and another term not often heard, prebiotics.  

What are Probiotics?
These are the “good” bacteria and these good bacteria help keep you and your gut healthy.  You have “good” and “bad” bacteria in your gut and when you eat foods with “probiotics” or good bacteria, you change your gut to have more good than bad bacteria.  A healthy thing to do.  There are many “probiotics” as there are many different types of bacteria.  Usually in foods like yogurt you will see on the label:

Lactobillus – this is a probiotic commonly added to foods like yogurt.  Interesting that these bacteria digests some lactose, the natural sugar in milk.  So, people who are lactose intolerant – have trouble with real milk, can often eat some yogurt with no “bubble gut” as my daughter likes to call it. 
Bididobacterium – some yogurt and other dairy products have these good bacteria.  Those with irritable bowel syndrome may find these bacteria help relieve their symptoms.  

Why are probiotics considered healthy?  A lot of research has been done and more is being done on the health benefits of eating foods rich in probiotics.  Eating foods such as yogurt that have probiotics have been found beneficial to a number of conditions including:
o   Irritable bowel syndrome
o   Ulcerative colitis
o   Crohn’s disease
o   Eczema in children
o   Immunity – some studies have found that probiotics promote good immunity

What foods have probiotics?   Most yogurts have “live bacteria”.  In fact, yogurt is a super healthy food.  “Yogurt is often included on healthy food lists” as “yogurt is highly nutritious and is an excellent source of protein, calcium and potassium”.  And, most yogurts are fortified with vitamin D.  Many Americans are lacking calcium and vitamin D in their diets so yogurt is a good addition.  Surprising to me, my husband has noted there is less shelf space at the grocery store devoted to yogurt.  Which usually means less people are buying that food.  Yogurt was popular for years and should stay popular as it is a great “health” food to include every day.  

What to look for on the yogurt label.  Next time you are buying yogurt, look for the words “Live and active cultures”.  MyPlate recommends choosing low-fat or fat-free yogurt.  Greek yogurt is a good choice for those wanting more protein.  And for those with lactose-intolerance, Greek yogurt has less lactose so may be a better choice for those wanting a yogurt with less lactose.  But Greek yogurt provides less calcium than traditional yogurt.  Many women have diets low in calcium so traditional yogurt may be a better choice for women.  And be sure vitamin D has been added.
Look for Live and Active Cultures on the label
What are prebiotics?  Want to keep those good bacteria healthy and thriving in your gut?  Well then you have to feed them.  Like the play, “Little Shop of Horrors”, the good bacteria need to be fed.  What do they eat?  Fiber.  Foods high in fiber are a great way to keep the good bacteria in your gut fed.  Foods that are prebiotics include:
  • Vegetables:  garlic, greens like spinach and kale, onions, leeks, cabbage, bean,
  • Fruit:   fresh fruit like bananas, watermelon, apples, grapefruit,
  • Whole grains and bran, barley, oats – think oatmeal, Cheerios, All Bran, whole grain bread, whole grain English muffins, whole grain crackers
  • Nuts and seeds – almonds, pistachio nuts, flaxseeds

This week add some yogurt to your day.  If you eat some yogurt every day, great.  Keep up this healthy habit.  If you don’t eat yogurt or eat it only occasionally, try adding it back on a more regular basis.  Yogurt is so good for your health.  And remember to feed that good bacteria by adding some fresh fruit, veggies and whole grains to your day.  Some suggestions for adding prebiotics to your day:
o   Eating high-fiber breakfast cereals – add some nuts or seeds like a sprinkling of chopped walnuts
o   Eating whole-grain bread like Dave’s bread  
o   Snacking on fruits, nuts, and seeds
o   Adding beans to soups and salads – enjoy a 3-bean salad at dinner, enjoy some chili
o   Read food labels and check the fiber content of the foods you buy, especially the bread and cereals 

Sources:    notes, conditions, food, words, recommends, Greek, prebiotics, include, suggestions   Image sources:  cultures, yogurt, foods   


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