Healthy Habits to Help with Weight Loss or Maintaining Your Weight

Trying to lose a few pounds? Or are you trying to maintain your current weight? So many people are successful in losing some weight but then gain the weight back. Why? Probably because they haven’t adopted a healthier lifestyle. Changing habits as you take off the pounds can be the key to keeping the pounds off. U.S. News & World Report has a great article: Stop Relying on Willpower to Lose Weight . In it they talk about how important it is to build healthy routines into your day. You may already be doing some of these suggestions. Then keep it up. Are there some healthy routines you could add to your day? They introduce a new term, “skill-power” vs willpower. The promote developing the “skills” to handle our diet throughout the day. Here are some of the healthy habits they suggest we all adopt. 1. “Beat the Morning Munchies” – How many people skip breakfast onl...