Focus on Whole Wheat Bread

Are you choosing whole wheat bread or bread that has some or no whole wheat? When I ask my students, “How can you tell if bread is whole grain?” I get quite interesting answers. Some say, color – brown bread is whole wheat bread. Some say – look at the label but then don’t explain what to look for. So how do you know if bread is whole wheat and what are some of the best whole grain breads to choose? Environmental Nutrition recently wrote, “ Best in Whole Wheat Bread ” and provided a lot of recommended whole wheat breads to choose from. Why whole wheat bread? Choosing whole grain bread is good for your health. Forget the gluten free craze (unless you have celiac disease) and focus on buying and enjoying some whole grain bread. Whole grain bread adds fiber to your day. Most Americans have diets quite low in fiber and eating whole grain bread is a great way to add some fiber to your diet. Whole grain bread has man...