
Showing posts from September, 2015

Not Losing Weight? Find out why (cont.)

Last week we talked about people who start off on a diet, lose weight and then seem to stop losing.   Why?   I noted that SparkPeople had an interesting article on “8 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight” written by a personal trainer.   We covered 4 of these reasons last week and this week we cover the personal trainer’s other 4 reasons.     Reasons for Not Losing Weight –   based on SparkPeople and good nutrition advice from a registered dietitian. 5.        Y ou are not being consistent –you need consistency to establish good habits. You start out strong, sticking to your diet and exercise routine.   Then you step on the scale and haven’t lost the weight you wanted and you fall into the trap of going off the diet and skipping the gym.   You say, “What’s the point?”   to justify going off the diet and exercise regimen.   Or you have that one dessert and then say you’ve ruined your diet and stop all the good habits you worked so hard for.   One dessert doesn’t “ruin your diet.”

Not Losing Weight? Find out why.

      Many people start off on a diet, lose weight and then seem to stop losing.   Why?   SparkPeople had an interesting article on “8 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight” written by a personal trainer.   She said it is one of the most common questions she is asked.   She noted that those on a diet may thing they are doing “everything right” but still plateau.   So why are there no changes on the bathroom scale?   This week we’ll review 4 of the reasons and next week continue with the other 4 reasons.          Reasons for Not Losing Weight –   based on Spark People's 8 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Weight and good nutrition advice from a registered dietitian.   You are eating back the calories you burn. Yes, working out is great but then eating everything in sight when you get home, is not so great for weight loss.   When I first started a spinning class, I would come home and be ever so hungry.    When you work out, you do burn up some extra calories.   That is why i

Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life

 How many of us say we are going to get healthier?   We will start going to the gym, we will start eating healthier.   But then it never happens.   The September 2015 issue of the Berkeley Wellness Letter has some suggestions for not only changing habits, but changing them for good.   The article is based on James Prochaska, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island.   Over 30 years ago, he proposed stages of changing our habits.   If you follow these stages, suggestions, you should have better success in changing bad habits to good habits.   Studies have found that changing behavior doesn’t happen overnight but it is a process and we can improve our odds of making changes permanent and a “habit” that lasts.        What are the 5 stages?    Precontemplation – yes, you have to decide to change a habit – to get off the couch, to cut back or eliminate the sugared sodas, to go for a walk every day.   This stage puts your goal into more measurable terms.   You ma

5 steps to a healthier heart

What 5 things can you do for heart health?   A recent article on 5 Ways to Protect Your Heart Everyday gave some simple steps to follow:   Eat more fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables are not only loaded with vitamins, minerals but also fiber and antioxidants.   Focus on color – each color has its own unique antioxidants and health benefits.   1 0,000 steps a day – if you haven’t invested in a pedometer than buy a Fitbit or other pedometer.   About 2,000 steps is a mile so 10,000 is about 5 miles give or take depending on your stride.   If 10,000 is too much to start with, then aim to start where you are whether it is 3,000 or 5,000 a day.   The start adding 500 steps a day for a week or two, then add another 500 steps a day until you can get to 10,000 steps a day.   Stop smoking and stay away from second hand smoke .    A handful of nuts – this is one of Dr. Oz’s recommendations and one I tell the students in my classes – such an easy and healthy habit.   Any kinds