How to lose weight and keep it off

This week my husband saw an interesting slide show on MSN health and fitness, 35 simple tips to help you lose weight and keep it off too! They have some great suggestions. Their focus: We're not talking about drastic measures here, but quick and easy changes you can make in your daily life to help you achieve your weight loss goals. If you want to see all 35 tips, click the link. Here are a few they highlighted: Don’t give up your favorite foods – how often do you hear someone say, “I ate a cookie and blew my diet.” Nonsense, as Joyce Meyer says, “ eat the cookie ”. But don’t eat the whole box. MSN recommends limiting the number of times you eat your favorite or junk food to once a week and eat less of it than you normally do. Opt for Whole grains – so many people forgo the whole grains when they are such a healthy addition to your diet. My relatives are now into Ezekiel br...