5 Fruits and Vegetables a Day for a Healthier You
Last week I wrote about the Mediterranean diet. A major component of this diet is eating many fruits and vegetables. A very easy way to ensure you are getting enough fruits and vegetables is to focus on eating at least 5 A DAY . Not only are fruits and vegetables loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber they are also loaded with PHYTOCHEMICALS. “Phyto” is from the Greek and means “plant”. Phytochemicals are only in plant foods, are not nutrients but are ever so important to your health. Different fruits and vegetables have different phytochemicals so varying the kind of fruits and vegetable and varying the color is important. Blue/Purple - helps fight aging, improves your memory and reduces cancer risk. Choose plums, eggplant, raisins, blueberries, black olives, blackberries, purple grapes Red – great for your heart, tomatoes and other red vegetables and fruits have lycopene – a phytochemical that is an antioxidant. Helps lower your bad cholesterol, lowers y