What are Nutrient Dense Foods?
Everyone says to “eat healthy” but many people aren’t quite sure what this means. To some it means Pop Tarts and Sunny D as these foods are “fortified” with vitamins. But they are not really healthy foods as they are full of sugar, white flour and few nutrients. Eating healthy means including nutrient dense foods in your daily diet. Not exclusively, as we all like our treats. But our meals and many of our snacks should be focused on nutrient dense foods. The January 2015 edition of Environmental Health had an excellent article, Make your Diet More Nutrient-Dense. The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics refers to these foods as nutrient-rich foods. What are nutrient-rich or nutrient-dense foods? These foods contain the most nutrients per calorie. Usually they are the least processed foods and foods not diluted with a lot of added sugar or added fat. What foods are considered nutrient-rich? Whole grains - are rich in nutrients as the many vitamins and