Refuel and Recharge with Breakfast!

Are you one of the 6 out of 10 Americans who skip breakfast every day? I like to tell my students “ Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day” . After a night of fasting, you need some food to “Break the Fast” which is what breakfast means. Your fuel stores are nearly empty and it is time to refuel. Interesting in the Sochi Olympics the Canadian women’s curling team believes in eating peanut butter toast for breakfast. They are so insistent on this they often bring a toaster with them. ( Team Canada Sochi 2014 Blog: Jennifer Jones ). They add some fruit and they are ready for a curling match. The National Dairy Council has found that 18% of Americans skip breakfast, another 20% of Americans eat breakfast away from home. Disturbing is the teenagers with 40% skipping the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is a time to pack in many nutrients including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C and pota...