What foods fight inflammation?

Are there foods that can fight inflammation? In the nutrition classes I teach, students often ask what foods are anti-inflammatory. Livestrong has a great article on Inflammation-Fighting Foods to Eat Every Day . Another great resource is WebMD at: 11 Food Do's and Don'ts to Tame Inflammation Why fight inflammation? Inflammation isn’t all bad as it is a way for our bodies to respond to an injury or infection. But chronic inflammation can lead to more serious problems. Inflamed arteries can make way for heart attacks or strokes. Others try anti-inflammatory diets for help with arthritis pain. What foods cause inflammation? Just as there are anti-inflammatory foods, there are foods that contribute to inflammation. According to Livestrong, these foods include: o Fried foods, especially foods fried in lard or hydrogenated oils. o Foods high in added sugar such as candy, sugared soda. L...